Friday, May 2, 2014

LSC is Coming!

The CCCWA website shows that my status has changed to 'match reviewed' which means that my 'Letter Seeking Confirmation' is on its way!  I am getting anxious in terms of travel dates...but I am putting it in to God's hands and know that it will all happen in His perfect time.  We are getting very excited!  Updated information came last week on 'Cameron' and I have been purchasing a few things for her....but I'm leaving the tags on the clothes in case they don't fit....or in case she doesn't like them.   I am praying that the orphanage/foster family will tell Cameron that she is being adopted.  I am putting together a care package for her with a photo album and other items.....just praying that she doesn't find out one day before we arrive.  Once again, I am just trusting God in this journey.


Unknown said...

Just Randomly landed in your blog. You have very pretty children. Wish you all the best with Caroline and your other two daughters. Wishing you and daughters a prosperous and healthy life.

jacklynn4 said...


I just came upon your blog. I have 4 kids from China, 2 were adopted at age 11 and 14. I would love an update about your newest daughter.