Friday, March 28, 2008

I 600-A and Fingerprinting Renewal......ugh!

As part of the adoption process, I'm scrambling to get this form sent to the USCIS office (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service) current form has expired and I've got to get it renewed. This whole process is so confusing at times.......and VERY expensive. And, due to the long wait with regard to China adoptions, I'll probably have to renew this form again......$670.00, plus $160.00 for fingerprinting for Mom and myself. We will need to be re-fingerprinted and I have to submit an updated homestudy; I don't know how much that will cost. I was feeling pretty good about the start of my adoption fund, but it appears that I have to start dipping into it already with this fee.

My adoption agencies' Hague re-accreditation is 'pending,' therefore if I don't get the I 600-A form in by next Monday (deadlines and more deadlines!!) I have to wait for the agency to receive their re-accreditation which won't happen until at least June and would file a I 800 form. I don't want to wait, therefore I'm hurrying to get this done now. It's not that I've been procrastinating....not the case at all....but the agency just got this news and immediately informed all pre-adoptive parents of our options. *sigh*

All of this and I still have to file my tax return.....I'll worry about that next week.

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